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Unfortunately UFX Best Catch is no longer available

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How does it work?


Anyone fishing with UFX, or with one of our associated guides, is automatically in the running for a free Ultimate Fishing Xperience. Catch a big predatory fish, ask your guide to put it on the measure board and take a picture. Every fish is awarded with points according to its length. Take the number 1 position and maintain it until the end of the quarter. If you do, you win a free Ultimate Fishing Xperience (The winner of UFX Best Catch must book an Xperience won in one of the three subsequent quarters.)


How are points rewarded?

Fish on the measure board are rounded up, so a 59,9 cm pike is counted for 60 cm and a 60,0 cm pike is counted for 61 cm.

The pike is our reference fish so every centimeter of pike is rewarded with 1 point. The points for zander, perch, asp and catfish are calculated with a correction factor according to the table below


What happens in case of a draw?


In case of a draw in points; the actual length of the fish on the measure board is taken and points are rewarded based on the lenght of the fish on the measure board. If this also ends up in a draw, fate will decide who wins.




Best UFX catch in the period 


Winner period 01/01/2023 - 31/03/2023

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-30 at 14.53.41.jpeg

Winner: Christiaan

Species: Zander

Length/ points: 91/ 114

Date: 29/01/2023

Winning XperiencePelagic Pike and Zander

Xperience won: Amsterdam


Winner period 01/10/2022 - 31/12/2022


Winner: Nils

Species: Pike

Length/ points: 114,5/ 115

Date: 16/10/2022

Winning XperienceBiesbosch & Hollands Diep

Xperience won: Pelagic Pike and Zander


Winner period 01/07/2022 - 30/09/2022

Roofblei Jurgen.jpeg

Winner: Jurgen

Species: Asp

Length/ points: 79,5/ 114

Date: 20/09/2022

Winning Xperience: Grensmaas

Xperience won: Biesbosch & Hollands Diep



Winner period 28/05/2022 - 30/06/2022


Winner: Felix

Species: Pike

Length/ points: 104/ 105

Date: 04/06/2022

Winning Xperience: Biesbosch & Hollands Diep

Xperience won: Friesland



Winner period 01/01/2022 - 31/03/2022


Winner: Thomas

Species: Pike

Length/ points: 116,5/ 117

Date: 21/03/2022

Winning Xperience: Biesbosch & Hollands Diep

Xperience won: Biesbosch & Hollands Diep



Winner period 01/10/2021 - 31/12/2021

Hecht 1.jpg

Winner: Tobias

Species: Pike

Length/ points: 113,6/ 114

Date: 19/10/2021

Winning Xperience: Biesbosch & Hollands Diep

Xperience won: River Waal



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